My mission: learn to re-create the gameplay and design of retro video games.
Neato stuff
Check out my thoughts on games systems old stuff Zelda Shantae

Sonic Forces: A Game?
Why am I reviewing Sonic Forces on a retro gaming blog? They bring back Classic Sonic for this entry, and I have some big complaints

The Final Fantasy Legend Sucks
I hate The Final Fantasy Legend. It sucks. It can go die, because I hate it. The story is fine I guess, but it goes

Sonic Revert, 3D Sonic at it’s Best
Sonic Revert is one of the best 3D Sonic games out there, and it’s not even made by SEGA or Sonic Team. Sonic Revert is

Pokemon Blue but I Didn’t Accomplish Anything
Everyone knows what Pokemon is. Like seriously, everyone knows. So after finally completing Shantae, I wanted something easy. A game where I could cheat to

Looking back on Sonic Mania’s Secret Weapon
When I saw the trailer for Sonic Mania in 2016, I was overjoyed. If you weren’t a Sonic fan at that time, you should know

More Spore and Post-Game Content
Spore’s post-game content doesn’t seem to get talked about very much. Nothing changes after beating the game, but it’s safe to say that you haven’t

My Newgrounds!!
Newgrounds needs your help, and so do I, so check out my Newgrounds page! (Yes this is just a plug.)
Play Chatterbox
L. Vireo games began with a game called Chatterbox. Find out where my journey started by experiencing this game for yourself. (This button leads to the Itch version of the game, which is completely unpatched and hasn’t received any of the updates the Newgrounds version has to preserve historical value.)